Research Groups
HCMH promotes innovative Mediterranean research by supporting sustained collaborative work. We facilitate the creation of international research groups, led by University of Haifa scholars. These groups, of around eight members from the Mediterranean basin and beyond, will study together a central historical problem or theme during two or three years. Meeting roughly twice a year, in Haifa and elsewhere, groups will convene for intense 3-4 day sessions. Members will present their own work-in-progress and share and discuss research dilemmas, documents, and objects. Group leaders will be able to use the allocated funds to invite specialists, designate an academic senior advisor, arrange for particular excursions, and convene a larger conference to mark the conclusion of their joint work. HCMH will require each group to leave a permanent outcome, most commonly in the form of a scholarly publication, either in collected volumes or journal special issues.
For more information, please get in touch with HCMH directors.