Prof. Susan Einbinder - January 2019

Susan Einbinder is the author of After the Black Death: Plague and Commemoration among Iberian Jews (Philadelphia 2018) and two monographs on medieval French Jews, Beautiful Death: Jewish Poetry and Martyrdom from Medieval France (Princeton 2002) and No Place of Rest: Literature, Expulsion and the Memory of Medieval France (Philadelphia 2009). Since 2012, she has been Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at the University of Connecticut. From 1993-2012, she taught at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. She is a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America and a grateful recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Institute for Advanced Studies, the NY Public Library’s Cullman Center, the National Humanities Center, the UConn Humanities Institute and more. This year she will be working on a new project exploring Jewish responses to the plague in late medieval and early modern settings.