Conferences - Wine Production and Climate Change in Arid Environments around the Roman Mediterranean

2022 Workshop – Monastic Wine and Heritage Viticulture

Participants: Gil Gambash, Guy Bar-Oz, Maritina Stavrakaki, Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, Gideon Avni, Aris Fotiadis, Yuval Ben-Bassat, Konstantinos Bakasietas, Roy Galili, Alexandros Fotiadis, David Bar-Ilan, Amnon Nahmias, Roee Shafir

Mount Athos

Monday Nov. 7th 2022:
Breakfast at Outanoupolis. Departure by boat at 09:00 am.
Mt. Athos Viniculture: Chromitsa & Monoxilitis.
Traditional wine production: Holly Monastery of Chilandariou.
Dinner: Holly Monastery Xenofondos.

Tuesday Nov. 8th 2022:
Vineyards and wine production: Holly Monastery Vatopediou.

Wednesday Nov. 9th 2022:
Administration center of Mount Athos; meeting with the Administrator of the community: Town of Karyes,
Holly Monastery Stavronikita.
Sacred ascetics of Prophet Elias.
Holly Monastery Mandokratoros.

Thursday Nov. 10th 2022:
Vineyards of Saint Efstathios Mylopotamou.
Holly Monastery Simonos Petras.
Holly Monastery Iviriko Saint Anna.

Friday Nov. 11th 2022:
Port of Dafni: breakfast and ferry to Ouranoupolis.

Monday Nov. 14th 2022:
      Laboratory of Viticulture, Agricultural University of Athens
