Resources - Wine Production and Climate Change in Arid Environments around the Roman Mediterranean

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Tepper, Y., L. Weissbrod, T. Fried, N. Marom, J. Ramsay, M. Weintstein-Evron, S. Aharonovich, N. Liphschitz, Y. Farhi, X. Yan, E. Boaretto, G. Bar-Oz. 2018b. Pigeon-raising and sustainable agriculture at the fringe of the desert: A view from the Byzantine village of Sa’adon, Negev, Israel. Levant, 50: 91-113.

Tepper, Y., N. Porat, G. Bar-Oz. forthcoming. Sustainable farming in the Roman-Byzantine period: Dating an advanced agriculture system near the site of Shivta, Negev desert, Israel. Submitted to Journal of Arid Environment.