Upcoming lecture by Dr. Federico Ugolini on December 1, 2021

As part of the seminar in the Institute of Classical Studies (London) Classical Art and Archaeology autumn series, our postdoc and research fellow, Dr Federico Ugolini, will be giving a talk titled: “Producing, Consuming and Exporting Adriatic Wines in the Roman Mediterranean”.

The talk will take place on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 17:00 UK time (19:00 Israel time).

During Roman times, Adriatic wines were widely produced, shipped and traded across the Mediterranean, and N Adriatic ports acted as distributors of this commodity and interface within the Mediterranean. Using archival, archaeological and pre-industrial comparative data on agricultural production, this paper assesses the N Adriatic ports’ relationships with their farming hinterlands, and their connections with the rest of the empire. I will first introduce Adriatic port cities, as well as their hinterlands, countryside and population, then I will illustrate the wines and crus produced in the N Adriatic, and finally I will assess the shipping of Adriatic wines, by examining aspects on seasonality, cargoes and markets. 

For more info and registration: https://ics.sas.ac.uk/events

Good luck Federico!