Dr. Dylan James 2022-2025

I’m an ancient Greek historian, working at the intersection of historiography, identity, geography, and cultural interaction. My time at HCMH will be spent primarily on a new project concerned with the representation of local guides in Greek and Roman historiography (“Decolonising Ancient Mediterranean History: Indigenous Guides in the Ancient and New Worlds”). I’m also completing a monograph based on my doctoral research (“Bilingual Individuals in Greco-Roman Historiography”).
Before coming to Haifa, I was Lady Davis/Golda Meir Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Classical Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2019-2021). Before that I was Tytus Summer Residency Fellow at the University of Cincinnati (2019), after completing my DPhil in Ancient History at the University of Oxford (2019). I also hold an MPhil from Macquarie University in Australia and a BA (Hons) from the University of Canterbury in my home country of Aotearoa New Zealand.