New publication co-authored by research fellow, Dr. Shlomit Bechar, in Levant

Dr. Shlmit Bechar, HCMH research fellow, co-authored an article in the journal Levant, titled “Absolute chronology of Black Wheel Made Ware in the southern Levant and its synchronization with the northern Levant”.

This paper presents the first radiocarbon-based absolute dating of Black Wheel Made Ware contexts, sampled from a few sites in northern Israel.

Lev, Ron, Shlomit Bechar, Karen Covello-Paran, and Elisabetta Boaretto. “Absolute chronology of Black Wheel Made Ware in the southern Levant and its synchronization with the northern Levant.” Levant (2021): pp. 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/00758914.2021.1960003

Congratulations Shlomit et al!